DEAR ABBY: Over the last couple of years, I have become close with someone I was intimately involved with 20 years ago. We had a relatively short but very passionate relationship back then, which she ended for reasons that I’m still not clear about. For me, she was the “one who got away.” We never really fought and remained friendly over the years. She now has a child she has sole custody of, so we’re never really alone. The three of us hang out a lot and take trips together. The problem is, we are not intimate and haven’t expressed feelings for each other. I am, and to some extent have always been, in love with her. I don’t want to ruin what we have, but I don’t want to be stuck in limbo forever either. What should I do?


DEAR OLD FLAME: It may not be an accident that this woman hasn’t found a babysitter so you can spend some adult time together. After “a couple of years,” it’s time for an honest discussion about why she ended your relationship the first time around. Express how you feel about her (if she doesn’t already know) and ask whether your feelings are reciprocated. If they aren’t, you need to adjust to the fact that you are in the “friend zone.”

DEAR ABBY: I’m having difficulty understanding my husband’s obsession with pantyhose. When we met 10 years ago, he explained to me during a phone conversation that he liked wearing pantyhose and nylon stockings. He’s not an outward cross-dresser. His obsession is limited to simply wearing nylon. I accepted his eccentricities and we have shared a wonderful 10 years together.

I love him more than you can imagine. I admire his honesty with me from the beginning of our relationship. I mean, how many men would tell an almost complete stranger he’s hoping to date that he enjoys wearing nylons? I have respected his honesty, but as of late, his obsession is bothering me. What do I do?


DEAR ANNOYED: You can adjust your thinking for the purpose of not destroying an otherwise wonderful 10-year relationship. Some men, like your husband, enjoy the sensation of nylon against their skin. As you probably already know, it doesn’t affect their intimate relationship with their partners. The person with the “obsession” may be you, not him. If this is your husband’s only “snag,” thank your higher power and concentrate on all the things you love about him that make him unique.

女性宅に侵入し下着盗む 逮捕の自衛官を不起訴




