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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

1교시 오전 10시~12/ 영어강독(<On the Move>, Oliver Sacks)

2교시  오후 12~1시/ 중국어 강독

3교시 오후 1시~2시 한문강독(書簡文과 우리 漢詩)

4교시 오후 3시 30분~5시 30분/ 일문강독( <哲學ってなんだ>, 竹田靑嗣)


*댓글로 신청하세요.

*약간의 시간변동이 있으니 유의하기 바랍니다.

**책을 구입하지 못할 경우, 회명재에 비치할 복사기를 이용해서 적당한 분량을 준비할 수 있습니다.

***시독과 관련된 사항 일체는 임시반장인 허실(lawindy@naver.com/ 010-2436-8760)게 문의하세요.

  • ?
    찔레신 2020.03.03 11:33
    *암송 과제물은 지난 시간에 배운 丁壽崗의 5언절구입니다.
  • ?
    遲麟 2020.03.03 12:45
  • ?
    허실 2020.03.03 13:48
  • ?
    희명자 2020.03.03 18:19
    신청합니다. (전체교시)
  • ?
    하우불이 2020.03.05 10:37
  • ?
    敬以(경이) 2020.03.05 10:41
    신청합니다(1교시, 3교시)
  • ?
    찔레신 2020.03.06 09:59



    DEAR ABBY: I am a gay woman. My male best friend has had a crush on me for more than a year. It is so intense that he is almost delusional. We have talked extensively about it. He knows where I stand and that it will never happen, and he says he accepts that. But he can't stand the thought of me spending time with a woman, even if it's just a friend. He wants all of my time and doesn't want to share me, even with mutual friends.

    Here's the kicker: I had invited him to move back to my college town with me. We both thought that moving to a big city would open up more dating opportunities for us and help him get over me. It was an ordeal for him, but he put in a ton of work to be able to move. We planned to be housemates. This happened during a time when we thought he was feeling more resolved about our relationship.

    We have been staying with my relative while we search for a house in the big city, so we are trapped in the same space, and he has nowhere else to go. Since moving in together, his feelings for me have resurged. I no longer want to be roommates because of his possessiveness. But it would devastate him if I left him alone here, especially since it was my idea to go, and I was meant to be his support system. I feel like I am trapped in his drama and cannot live my life without ruining his. Please help! -- TRAPPED LESBIAN IN THE WEST

    DEAR TRAPPED LESBIAN: Do not rent an apartment with him or buy a house! To do so would be an expensive mistake. You cannot fulfill his needs. If you allow this to continue, he will destroy every opportunity that comes your way because it will be a threat to his fantasy.

    He needs to find other living arrangements NOW, and you and your relative should insist upon it. This is not going to have a fairy-tale ending, and you probably will not remain friends as you move along with your life. But move along is what you must do, for both your sakes.