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2022.01.24 11:11

Dear Teacher

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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

Dear Teacher,

I am Yeonnija.
I feel so delighted to be able to finally send an English letter to you. I often promised to do so, precisely because you have expected me to send more letters not only in Chinese but in Japanese and English as well. 

You have always said, A new language is a window to an upgraded dimension of our imagination and a new way of life-style. You also often say that A language is the path of mind. I always have been wondering about the meaning of that. 

I know what it is that you mean.  Human mind is composed of language whether one can be conscious of it or not. Provided I desire a new way of life-style, I should learn new words and a few more languages. So I am trying to find out a new life by praticing more foriegn languages. 

Thanks for sharing your gift of teaching and giving a chance of learning from you.  I am fortunate to have had you in my life.  You are an extraordinary teacher and exceptional person.

Very truly yours,

  • ?
    찔레신 2022.01.24 12:32
    Dear Yeonnija,
    I also feel so happy that you finally got to the point of being able to write a letter in English in succsssion to those written in Japanese and Chinese. You can be well proud of your linguistic accomplishments. Hope that your sensibility to and readiness for the languages could elevate you to an even higher level of intellectual-spiritual advancement. It's been very nice to have you as my student and dong-mu.

    Bye for now.

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