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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

1교시 오전 11시~오후3시영어강독/ (<The Revolution of Hope>, E. Fromm)

2교시 오후 3시 30분~4시 한문강독(<錦溪筆談>)

3교시  오후 4시~4시30분중국어 강독(<三國志>)

4교시 오후 4시30분~5시 일문강독<日本の名隨筆>)

*댓글로 신청하세요. 7월 28일(수) 자정 마감.

**책을 구입하지 못할 경우회명재에 비치할 복사기를 이용해서 적당한 분량을 준비할 수 있습니다.

***숙인, 그리고 숙인이 소개하는 사람이면 누구나 수강료없이 참가할 수 있습니다. 소개없이 청강하려는 자는 소정의 수강료가 있습니다.

****시독과 관련된 사항 일체는 반장인 초담(010-2436-8760lawindy@naver.com)에게 문의하세요


Sister's Proselytizing Impacts Man's Social Life

Abigail Van Buren on

DEAR ABBY: I have a much older sister who has become very religious. Most of her life decisions are based on her faith, so conversations tend to develop into faith-oriented topics and justifications. I don't initiate these conversations, and I make a genuine effort to understand her perspective. When I am not able to, I have mastered the smile and nod.

My problem is, anytime I bring a friend or date to a family function, she drags them off to the side and begins to question and discuss the importance of faith. Since religion is a widely varied and highly sensitive topic, this can sometimes be uncomfortable. I recently asked her to stop doing it, and I haven't heard from her since. How can I explain healthy boundaries to her so we can have a respectful relationship? -- YOUNGER BROTHER IN GEORGIA

DEAR YOUNGER BROTHER: If part of your sister's religion is advancing it or converting others to her faith, you won't be able to convince her to stop. I agree that what she's doing can come across as obnoxious. Because you can't control what she says or does, you may have to stop bringing friends or dates to family functions where you know she'll be present. Otherwise, warn them in advance so they can either avoid being cornered or get away from her.

DEAR ABBY: Is it appropriate to use dental floss in public? When my mom eats out, she uses dental floss while she is still at the table or while walking out of the restaurant. She thinks she's being discreet, but what she's doing is obvious.

When I ask her to stop, she says she can't stand having food in her teeth. I tell her to go into the restroom or do it outside, but she does neither and continues to floss. I'm hoping she'll listen to you and that you will back me up. -- ELLEN IN THE USA


DEAR ELLEN: I agree that flossing one's teeth in public is unsightly and something that should be done in private. If it becomes necessary, it should be done in the restroom. (Need I add that if there is mouth-rinsing, the sink should be cleaned afterward and any detritus stuck to the mirror removed?)

県内に熱中症警戒アラート 危険な暑さに注意

薩摩、大隅、種子島(たねがしま)・屋久島(やくしま) 地方では28日、熱中症の危険性が極めて高くなるとして、熱中症警戒アラートが発表されています。





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